NAPT Program
NAPT Program
The North American Proficiency Testing (NAPT) Program furnishes agricultural and environmental laboratories with quality control and quality assurance tools through quarterly blind and double-blind statistical evaluation of soil, plant, and water samples. These tools assist laboratories in generating accurate and precise analyses, as well as leveraging their participation in assuring clientele and other consumers of their data that it meets high standards.
Participating laboratories benefit from the scientific resources of the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) and the vast expertise of its over 6,000 member scientists. The NAPT program derives its authority from the SSSA, which enables oversight of this program effectively as it specifically relates to these scientific disciplines. The NAPT program is operated as an activity of the SSSA and governed by an oversight committee comprised of representatives of Regional Soil and Plant Analysis Workgroups; Scientific Organizations; State/Provincial Departments of Agriculture; and private and public and plant analysis labs.
Enrollment is through the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA).